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The Fresh. The Down-To-Earth.
The Guy Next Door.

You've been busy.

Your team has been hard at work handcrafting a message with a vision in mind, and now your message is ready for the breath of life-- a world class voice over.​ You've got it right here.


It would be my pleasure to get right down to business and go to work for you! I can turn around most projects quickly, in 24-48 hours. Shoot over your project details and I'll send a custom audition of your script and we can see if we are a good fit.


Click the link below or fill out a quick form with what you're looking for in your voice over. I will follow up promptly, and we can get started on your content. Let's party up and get some work done!


Too easy!

Past Clients Say:

“Bryan's great: along with his natural voice talent, he is good at building upon existing ideas as well...A true professional; thanks again Bryan!” 

Do you need voice over? It's a pleasure to serve.

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